Dustlok Panel Filters
Dustlok panels and links have a history of superior performance and reliability. The filter’s dual-density media with Dustlok composite adhesive captures and retains particulate. Its self-sealing design eliminates bypass concerns, while its 3-ply depth loading delivers unparalleled service life.
Three Stage Design
Three stages of filtration in a single panel - first stage designed for depth-loading; second stage stops particulate from filtering through the media; third stage, Dustlok composite adhesive, absorbs particles and continuously renews its effectiveness.
Dustlok Adhesive
Dustlok adhesive uniformly coats the fibers in the downstream panel/link layer during the actual media manufacturing process. Dustlok will not dry out or migrate. Dustlok renews its effectiveness by absorbing dust particles into the adhesive, trapping them on the surface of individual fibers. There is no drop off in performance.
Spor-Ax® Antimicrobial
Spor-Ax controls growth of mold, mildew, algae, and fungi on filters. Spor-Ax antimicrobial is part of the manufacturing process, not a costly, post-application. The elimination of microbial growth reduces resistance and extends service life.
Panel test results in accordance with ASHRAE 52.2-2012 (M).
Use link panels for easy installation in filter tracks and eliminate air bypass!
Link panels make installation easy. Just unfold the filter and slide it into the track as one continuous, long filter. When it's time to replace, the whole filter comes out easily in one piece. Plus, the sealing between links and the generous selvedge eliminates air bypass.